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Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Glen Park to Glennifer Brae's

Despite her reservations Gillian invited Lou Reed to join us in Paisley
he was however a notable absentee but he sent his apologies in song
Gillian,Alison,Bruce,Marion,Neil.Linda,Sam,Alfie and Avril take a walk on the wild side in Paisley
Alison at The Bonnie Wee Well

Sam and Alfie Prepare for a Troglodyte lifestyle

The curious case of the Missing Handbag
As all experienced Ramblers will know a handbag is the most important item to carry with you when out in the wild and Gillian as always was well prepared today, or so she thought, however as we exited the  forest heading to the Seven Falls she realised this life saving piece of kit had been mislaid. Do we carry on regardless and risk death or retrace our steps in an attempt to retrieve the missing portmanteau,
Alfie was on the case striding out ahead using all of his deductive powers he found the bag just where Alison for reasons best known to herself had ducked behind a bush. Paisley could sleep easy tonight everything was well with the world and we could retire to the Uplawmoor hotel for a refreshment.

If you want more information on the town of Paisley try here:-
for a great Bar meal on a cold day

Due to the abrupt termination of this walk  it is continued on