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Sunday, 2 October 2011

Luing & The World Stone Skimming Championships

Linda was somewhat perturbed to find that Danny Bonduce
 was still paddling to the Island using his Bass 
and wouldn't make it in time to join her.
Las Ramblas Ramblers (Stone Skimming Division) head out on the Annual Pilgrimage to 
Easdale Island  for the World Stone Skimming Championships.
Marion,Neil,Linda,Andy,Jill,Kevin,Kay,Haddie & Bob
arrive with time to take a ramble on the neighbouring Island of Luing.
Sean what weather precautions should we take?
"Well Lasramblas Easterly winds could make for a bitter cold wait for your throw
also heavy rain could affect the majority of the competition".

Ferry Over to Luing
"I should be able to see Danny from up here"
Linda,Alfie & Jill
Search for the perfect skimmer
Neil,Alfie & Sam
Kevin,Alfie,Bob & Haddie take a break
Alfie shares his technique

 Easdale is the smallest permanently inhabited island of the Inner Hebrides. It was once the centre of a thriving Scottish slate mining industry, and one of the disused quarries forms a perfect arena for the World Stone Skimming Championships.
The championships are held every year on the last Sunday in September. Anyone of any age and any level of skill can enter. Each competitor is allowed 3 skims using specially selected Easdale slate skimming stones.
For a skim to qualify the stone must bounce at least three times - it is then judged on the distance achieved before it sinks.

Neil And Elton are such good friends they have pet names for each other 
Neil calls Elton "Reg" & Elton Calls Neil "Suzie".
One day he'll turn up Neil until then here's the Song he wrote for you
Steve & Trish with the assistance of Gillian & Angus
 provide the competitors with a
hearty Breakfast in the delightful  Garragh Mhor
The Best B&B
Ferry over to Easdale

Las Ramblas enter the arena

The hollow Mountain String Band prepare to entertain 
Let competition begin

"Stone Skiming isn't Stone Skimming unless Chas
 has failed to live up to his expectations"
Time to head back to Ellenabeich for the presentation of the Budgie
The Coveted Trophy
The Oyster Bar 
Budgie winner Kevin is congratulated 
by members of the Royal Dutch Stone Skimming Association
Kevin protects the Budgie from International invaders

2011 Budgie Result
Kevin = 43mtrs
Bruce = 30mtrs
Neil = 27mtrs
Sam = 0mtrs
Andy = Shoulder Injury 

Alfie = 19mtrs
(boys 10-15)

2011 Puffin Result

Jill = 11mtrs
Marion = 0mtrs
kay = 0mtrs
12th  Las Ramblas = 190mtrs

Why not visit the Dutch National Team

We highly recommend
if you are visiting the area

Jings Crivvens Help ma boab !!!!
 the Canny folk at Waverly Books ken how to Increase sales
Revise and Expand an Old Title to include a photo of
Las Ramblas Ramblers (Stone Skimming Division)

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