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Monday, 10 January 2011

The Unofficial Inverness New Year Bear Walk

Kay & Kevin asked along their old buddy Henry Hall
Unfortunately he lost his Sat-nav and his chance to join us for today's walk
Much to Gillian's dismay a Traitorous bunch travel North
for an Unofficial New Year's Bear Walk
Attended by Bruce, Marion, Neil, Linda, Sam, Alfie
joined by Andy, Jill, Kevin, Kay, Bob & Haddie.
Sam,Andy,Alfie,Kay,Kevin,Bruce,Linda,Jill & Bob prepare
to go down to the wood's today
Bob,Kevin,Haddie,Alfie & Sam
hope for a big surprise
Linda,Alfie,Kay,Marion,Kevin,Haddie,Jill & Sam
Andy & Neil are here they must be in disguise

Alfie,Jill,Linda,Marion,Andy & Neil
Celebrating with Sparklers at Journeys end
Then the Snow came down
Forest looking slightly different
Heading to the hills
Marion's Angel of the Frozen North
Time to look out a shovel & find the Car


  1. Hi,

    I wonder if it be possible to acquire a bear hat in Harris tweed? I am sure that many of the Ragged Society of Antiquarian Ramblers membership would be interested in this atire.

    It looks like you all had a great time!

  2. great photos where am i from layla
    p.s. i mean it where am i in the pictures
