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Monday, 18 April 2011

Killin Heritage Path

Tina Weymouth had asked Alison if she could join us
but twisted her ankle on the way to the Airport
Gillian.Alison,Bruce,Marion,Neil,Linda,Sam,Alfie & Avril 
are joined on the edge of Loch Tay by Mr Ron
Hey Sean what's the story on the weather?
"Well Lasramblas its a day for slapping a bit of sunscreen on a baldy head".

Avril,Gillian,Marion,Neil,Mr Ron & Linda
Slightly Wet underfoot
Falls of Dochart

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    RSAR members wish you well, from here in the sunny flatlands of East England.

    I think that David Byrne doing his twitching dance to Once in a Lifetime as he 'walked' with your merrie band, would've been outstanding!

    ~ Munro ~
